
December 7, 2008

We visited a local Christmas tree farm today. It was quite frigid though. Luckily I had decided on an early morning run that day to embrace and enjoy the cold. I seriously had my new conviction challenged on the hay ride through the field with gusting winds though. Gotta love Jack Frost nipping at your nose (I think I can love the cold. I think I can love the cold.).

Isaiah and Owen were psyched to get a tree, but ecstatic about seeing Santa. To be honest, keeping the Santa myth going is turning out to be a serious challenge for me, but Chris is completely committed to it.

We met a super cute dog too. I actually considered getting another dog after the Christmas rush, but I think we have our hnds full for now.

We left with a 12' tree. We trimmed it down a bit and stood it in the house. It had to wait a few days to be decorated though.

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